Saturday, February 4, 2012

Is he?

Hey Blog. This is my first post of 2012! Here is my issue: I have a major crush on this guy but I absolutely cannot tell if he is gay or straight! Usually if I know a guy is straight, I let it go really fast, but this one is different. Like there are times when I want to believe that he is straight, but he flirts with me all the time. Well I think he is flirting; I'm never really good at determining that unless it is really straight forward. He always makes it a habit to talk to me whenever there is a group of us. Like if we are in a group going out to lunch, I am always one of the first people he speaks to. He always is smiling at me. And lately he even has been using winky faces in text, and according to all my friends that is a sign of flirting. I even wrote a song that is really deep and extremely personal that is about him! He wants to hear it but I don't know if I can sing it for him. Like he kinda walked in on me working on it and I got extremely nervous! I don't know what to do! I just want to know if there could be an us or am I just "California Dreaming!" I guess I'll have to wait and see. Let me know what you think!