Monday, August 29, 2011

What is wrong with me?

I'm sitting here trying to figure out so many things: what I want? What is wrong with me? Why don't I ever get the happy ending? I have so much going through my head that I can't separate anything. I'm not having boy problems because there is no boy in my life. No one interested. Don't have a crush on anyone. It's just me. I have so much to be excited about: I'm a PR chair for the BRP Residence Hall Council, rush looks like it is going to be successful, and I'm super excited for the pledge process. With all of this to be excited about, why am I so down? I have this weird feeling and it is really getting to me. I've had it ever since last night. I couldn't sleep much last night. This morning I was really off in Italian like I have never been that oblivious and disconnected in my life. I am even having trouble eating. Where did this emotional strife come from? I was happy pretty much all weekend and now I can't figure out what is wrong. Am I channeling someone else's pain? Or is it some suppressed emotions finally making their escape to the surface? Whatever it is, it has made my day a total drag and nowhere near as good as it could have been.

Needing this to change soon,

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